Black Political Opinion: What have Democrats done for Blacks? Ice Cube says "nothing has changed"


Ice Cube’s recent comments on the Full Send Podcast have sparked a debate about the role of the Democratic Party in Black America.
Ice CubePhoto byIce Cube Facebook Page

When asked if he thought there was a stigma against Republicans in the African American community he replied:

"I don't know what's going on in the African American community when it comes to that, you know? I mean like black people have supported Democrats, you know, overwhelmingly for 50, 60 years, and nothing has changed. So, something's got to change,” -Ice Cube

For decades, Black Americans have overwhelmingly voted for the Democratic Party. But in recent years, that support has started to trend downward as Blacks are starting to leave the Democrat Party.

Al Sharpton warns Democratic leaders of waning Black electorate support

Some are concerned about the party's focus on identity politics, soft on crime positions, and mass immigration. While others express and believe that the party has taken their votes for granted.

The Democratic Party has become increasingly associated with progressive social values. Some, particularly those who are more religious, do not agree with these values. This has led some African Americans to feel alienated from the Democratic Party.

While some Black Americans may be attracted to the Republican Party's focus on traditional values, such as family and faith, others may simply be disillusioned with the Democratic Party and its perceived lack of real progress on issues that are important to them.

Republican vs Democrat agenda for issues affecting Black America

Contract with Black America

In 2020, Ice Cube released a document called "Contract with Black America." The document outlined a series of proposals for how to improve the lives of Black Americans.

The Contract with Black America suggested a reparations plan, bonds, and interest free loans for home ownership.

"I released the document, and everybody wanted to talk to me. The Republicans asked to talk to me and the Democrats. I went to talk to both of them about the contract. The Republicans asked could they implement some things from the contract into their proposal. And I said the document was open for anybody to use in any way they desire." -Ice Cube

Cube went on to say that the Democrats indicated they would follow up with it after the election. That follow-up has never happened.

The Biden-⁠Harris Administration Advances Equity and Opportunity for Black Americans and Communities Across the Country

The Biden administration says it has taken steps to help Black Americans:

  • Appointing more Black people to senior positions in the federal government. The Biden administration has appointed more Black people to senior positions in the federal government than any previous administration.
  • Signing legislation to create a national holiday for Juneteenth. Juneteenth is the day that slavery was abolished in the United States. The Biden administration signed legislation to make Juneteenth a national holiday.
  • Investing in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
  • Passing legislation including the American Rescue Plan 2021 and the Infrastructure Bill.

The Republican Party has made a concerted effort to reach out to Black American voters in recent years, and they have had some success.

For example, in the 2020 election, Donald Trump won 8% of the black vote, which was the highest percentage of the black vote that a Republican presidential candidate has received since 1960.

It is important to note that the trend of Blacks leaving the Democratic Party is still relatively small. However, it is a trend that is worth watching. If this trend continues, it could have a significant impact on American politics.

African Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with the political establishment, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. This dissatisfaction has led some African Americans to support third-party candidates or to simply not vote at all.
Lashaun Turner Jaded: Journalism with a Touch of ShadePhoto byLashaun Turner @MsLashaunTurner on Twitter

Black Political Opinion is a multi-part opinion-editorial series that will look at various political topics, news, and views that impact the black community. (Disclaimer: Lashaun is a Black female, conservative leaning Independent, who voted for Biden in 2020).

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